FIDUCIARY – person, company or association holding assets IN TRUST for one or more beneficiaries.
-Barron’s Dictionary of Finance & Investment Terms
A “Fiduciary” has a duty of care known as a "prudent person standard of care." This requires that an entity acting as fiduciary must act first and foremost with the needs of beneficiaries in mind. Consequently, strict care must be taken to avoid "self-dealing" and to ensure no conflict of interest arises between the fiduciary and a client.
A Fiduciary is not a trusted person because of a license, strong financials, or a company name, but because of the trust that is borne out of interpersonal relationships in which "trust" is built and developed over an extended period. It is the compounding of trustworthy acts of service that develops a credit balance of trust between individuals. Cornerstone is a natural extension of the trust our clients have in us and in our integrity and professionalism.
A Fiduciary normally has full, absolute, and exclusive power, control, and authority over the property entrusted to it, subject to the provisions of an underlying agreement between the settlor of the trust and the trustee.
A settlor may appoint a trusted third-party protector to have oversight over the affairs of the trust for and on behalf of a Settlor and to direct and instruct the trustee on issues of management, administration, investments, operations, finance, and distributions.