Cornerstone Fiduciary Services LLC


Our clients know us well. With many, our friendship and business relationship developed over decades, during which time a level of reciprocal trust was born from a deep commitment to integrity, truthfulness, accountability, confidentiality, and professionalism.

Cornerstone does not solicit business but only engages with a client when specifically solicited to hold assets "in trust" or assist with a transaction structuring process by a long-time trusted friend or family, or their referrals. Our clients prefer the friendly interpersonal service of a trusted friend and advisor to those of a professional institution.

Complex transactions often require extensive due diligence, compliance oversight, legal and accounting reviews, and legal structures that are safe, tax-efficient, and sustainable long-term. Besides family-type services, we also provide fiduciary services as a component of a much larger and more complex transaction engineering process, where a trusted third-party intermediary is often needed to ensure counter parties are brought together after all transactional, due diligence, regulatory, banking, compliance, and reputational and other risks have been stripped out of a transaction and it can proceed to close.

This allows ready,willing, and able counter parties to remain in the background until a transaction is ready to close with utmost confidentiality and professionalism.

Cornerstone assists high and ultra-net-worth individuals, families, family offices, and their respective trusts or trustees to develop, structure, engineer, and execute complicated transactions. Our approach normally begins with the creation of a flexible trust structure that is is independently settled and nominally capitalized prior to engaging in a transaction.

Cornerstone Fiduciary Services hold licenses to unique and proprietary intellectual property and trade secrets that address these challenges enabling us to provide unique and visionary transactional structuring expertise and wealth management structures to preserve and expand the wealth of our clients.

Why Cornerstone Fiduciary?

There is a wise saying in the Bible that we should build our house on the rock, not on the sand. We heed that advice when it comes to helping our clients protect their assets from the storms of life. We do so by applying simple Biblical principles to the management of clients’ assets. Our name reflects one such principle.

In relation to architecture, a cornerstone is traditionally the first stone laid for a structure, with all other stones laid in reference. A cornerstone marks the geographical location by orienting a building in a specific direction and by providing structural integrity to the whole.

Cornerstone's advice, transaction engineering, and business solutions are built on Biblical truths. They provide a solid and trustworthy foundation of honesty, transparency, diligence, and professionalism, always based on the Golden Rule.

Deuteronomy 8:18 says that the ability to "create wealth" comes from God. We believe this to be true. We merely apply for our clients the wisdom God has given us.